Candle Flicker LED

Low-Cost LEDs Imitating A Candle Flame Flicker

Candle Flicker LEDs are a new generation of LED which incorporates a tiny microprocessor. The LEDs mimic the flickering action of a real candle flame. Available in a standard 5mm size with a clear lens in either Red, Yellow, Orange, or Blue flicker color.

Like other 5mm LEDs, Candle Flicker LEDs incorporate a processor. It varies the brightness, giving a “flickering” candle or flame look. These are an ideal alternative to candles in decorations and displays.

They are also very popular in art installations, small models, and model train installations.

Candle Flicker LED - Single LED running from a battery or power supply

Connecting a Single LED

Connecting to a Candle Flicker LED is very simple and requires only a simple dropping resistor. The resistor goes in series with the LED and power/battery to limit current to 20mA.

Each LED has two leads, an Anode (positive) and Cathode (negative). They need a Dropping Resistor to limit current to 15-20mA.

Candle Flicker LED - Multiple LEDs running from a battery or power supply

Connecting Multiple LEDs

It is possible to connect many Candle Flicker LEDs to a single power supply source. Unlike other LEDs, each Candle Flicker LED must have a series dropping resistor. As the Candle Flicker LED operates, it changes the current draw through the individual LED.

A single dropping resistor for many LEDs will cause all LEDs to flicker at the same rate. The circuit support as many LEDs as required, each independently controlled.

Dropping Resistor Selector For Candle Flicker LEDs

Supply Voltage3V3.3V4.5V5V6V9V12V15V
1 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
1 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
43 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
68 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
120 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
270 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
430 Ω
½ watt
620 Ω
½ watt
5.1 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
20 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
82 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
110 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
160 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
330 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
470 Ω
½ watt
620 Ω
½ watt
11 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
27 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
100 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
120 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
180 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
330 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
470 Ω
½ watt
620 Ω
½ watt
5.1 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
20 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
82 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
110 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
160 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
330 Ω
¼ or ½ watt
470 Ω
½ watt
620 Ω
½ watt