Hamvention Vendor Listing

FREE – Available To All Indoor and Outdoor Vendors

Dayton Hamvention 2025 Logo

As a service to Hamvention vendors, we offer a Hamvention Vendor Listing for FREE to have your booth listing stand out and be noticed. This service is available at no charge to clients of Hamvention who have their booths paid.

To have your booth listing stand out, we need you to provide details about your organization. Refer to the checklist below for the type of booth you have.

Email your information to hamvention@pcboard.ca and give us a day or two to update the posting for you.

Please Note: We can only provide listings to vendors who have their booth allocation fully paid.

Returning Vendors

Reuse your 2024 (indoor or outdoor vendor listings), 2023, 2022, 20192018201720162015, or 2014 listings. Let us know which year and we can reuse your old listing.

Indoor Commercial Vendors

  • Vendor Booths: List all the booth numbers you have reserved
  • Vendor Company Name: Your company or organization’s name
  • Booth Contact: If the vendor has a specific person they would like to direct people to talk with at their booth
  • Web Link: A web link to your corporate website
  • Ad Copy: Text which you would like included in your listing. This could be information on your company, services you offer, etc. Information that prospective clients would find useful to know about your company
  • Logo: You can send your logo for the listing and it will be scaled and converted as required
  • Previous Listing: If you had a booth listing in the previous years, we can easily reuse your previous year’s listing. Just let us know from which year you would like us to use your listing and we can insert it online very quickly. We can also perform modifications to previous years’ listings as well to speed up the process – just let us know what you would like updated or changed

Outdoor Flea Market Vendor

  • Vendor Booths: List all the booth numbers you have reserved
  • Vendor Company Name: Your company or organization’s name
  • Booth Contact: If you have a specific person they would like to direct people to talk with at their booth
  • Web Link: A web link to your website
  • Ad Copy: Text which you would like included in your listing. This could be information on your company, services you offer, etc. Information that prospective clients would find useful to know about your company
  • Logo: You can send your logo to the listing as an attachment in an email attachment to us
  • Previous Listing: If you had a booth listing in the previous years, we can easily reuse your previous year’s listing. Just let us know from which year you would like us to use your listing and we can insert it online very quickly. We can also perform modifications to previous years’ listings as well to speed up the process – just let us know what you would like updated or changed

Help Us To Help You Create a Great Looking Hamvention Vendor Listing

  • Logo Size: When submitting logos or graphics, we will resize the image to fit into the listing. Your logo’s largest size is 800 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. PCBoard.ca will resize large images to the greatest dimensions possible. We are able to take almost any graphics format and convert it to a usable version. Animated logos in GIF format are also accepted
  • Ad Copy: Your ad copy complements your graphics logo (if you provide a logo). For an average ad design with a 1024px x 150px logo, there is space to fit approximately 600 words of copy. We can work with you if we find you have too much text to fit the layout

Hamvention Vendor Listing is Free

Remember, to have your booth listing stand out, we need you to provide details on your organization or service so we can update this information. Email your information to hamvention@pcboard.ca and give us a day or two to update the posting for you.

Hamvention 2025 – May 16-18, 2024