Indoor and Outdoor Booth Assignments
Dayton Hamvention 2025 Vendor Tracker
Since 1952, each spring, Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) from around the world gather for a few days in Ohio. They are all there for the world’s largest gathering, showcasing hundreds of vendors. Commercial and flea market vendors gather for three days at the Dayton Hamvention.
With such a great show, knowing where to find your favorite vendors is handy. With the cooperation of the event team, we produce a detailed booth tracker. The tracker shows both indoor commercial and outdoor flea market vendors. The Hamvention website always has the most up-to-date details on the event.
Beginning in 2017, the show moved from HARA arena in Trotwood, Ohio. The new location is Greene County Fair & Exposition Center in Xenia, Ohio, about 20 miles southeast of HARA.
Vendor Booth Listing
Hamvention 2025 – May 16-18, 2025
Downloadable PDF Vendor Lists
PDF: Downloadable Commercial and Flea Market vendor lists are also in PDF format. Store these on your mobile device for easy access during Hamvention to get all the detailed information available on all vendors.
Minimal Responsive HTML Listings: Also available are fast-loading responsive HTML pages with only the booth information. See our Commercial and Flea Market listings.
Hamvention 2025 – May 16 to 18, 2025
Hamvention 2024 – Expanding
Hamvention 2023 – Innovation
Hamvention 2022 – Reunion
Hamvention 2020 / 2021 – Canceled
Although Hamvention 2020 and 2021 were canceled, Virtual Activities took place.
Hamvention 2019
Hamvention 2018
Hamvention 2017
Hamvention 2016
Hamvention 2015
Where It All Started
Since 1952, Hamvention® has been sponsored by Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA). For many years it has been the world’s largest amateur radio gathering, attracting hams from throughout the globe.
In 1950, John Willig, W8ACE, requested the Dayton Amateur Radio Association to sponsor a HAM Convention, but they declined. John wanted to have a quality affair. Speakers and prizes would be a drawing point. John finally found a champion in Frank Schwab, W8YCP (W8OK), the newly elected president of the club. The DARA Board held a meeting and allocated $100 to get started.
The first organizational meeting was held in January 1952. The Southwestern Ohio Hamvention was born. The first committee consisted of John Willig, W8ACE, General Chairman Al Dinsmore, W8AUN, Arrangements Bob Siff, W8QDI (K4AMG), Prizes and Exhibits Frank Schwab, W8YCP (W8OK), Publicity Bob Montgomery, W8CUJ, Finance Clem Wolford, W8ENH, Program Ellie Haburton, W8GJP (W4ZVW), Women’s Committee.
The next year the name became “Dayton Hamvention®” and registered as a trademark. April was determined to be the best time but the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Dayton was booked. March 22 was the chosen date, causing a short lead time. How far did $100 go? Not far! A 12″ TV was raffled off to help raise funds. The FCC agreed to give license exams and Phil Rand, W1BDM, a pioneer in TVI elimination was on the program. The first prize, a Collins 75A2, was purchased locally.
Hoping for 300 visitors, the committee was amazed that over 600 showed up! There were 7 exhibitors and 6 forums. The ladies’ program was successful, with a luncheon at the Biltmore and a trip to a local TV station.
In 1955 the Awards Program began with the “Amateur of the Year.”
The Flea Market has grown from 200 to over 2000 spaces.
In 1964 the Hamvention® moved to Hara Arena. Shuttle buses and accessible parking were added in 1969. In 1973 it became a 2-day event, with Sundays added in 1974.
The program has grown to a “Souvenir Program” and in 1976, the dimensions changed from 6″x 9″ to the current 8-1/2″x11″. Caring, energetic people who enjoy being on a winning team have contributed to the growth of the Dayton Hamvention®.