Hamvention 2015 – Commercial Vendors

Indoor Commercial Vendors

Hamvention consists of both indoor commercial and outdoor flea market vendor locations. The indoor locations are where the larger commercial vendors set up their displays. The outdoor vendor booths contain both commercial and personal flea market sellers.

Hamvention Indoor and Outdoor Maps

Beginning in 2017, Hamvention has a new home in Xenia, Ohio. The new location houses separate buildings for the commercial vendors. 2018 sees the team taking over a previous building that was unavailable in 2017 resulting in more indoor vendor spaces.

Contacting The Hamvention Team

We receive many requests with Flea Market or Exhibitor questions. We are not affiliated with the management team and this limits our knowledge of show activities. For Hamvention questions, we encourage you to contact the dedicated Hamvention teams.

The teams can be reached at exhibits@hamvention.org for indoor exhibit questions, fleamarket@hamvention.org for questions on the flea market, and tickets@hamvention.org for general ticketing inquiries.

Indoor Commercial Vendor List

We update the show information on a regular basis, right up until showtime. Don’t forget to visit our Outdoor Flea Market Booth Assignment page as well.

Hamvention® Booth Assignments
(updated May 13, 2015)
HA=Main Hara Arena  -  NH=North Hall  -  AA=Audio Arena (AA)
SA=Silver Arena
  -  BA=Ball Arena  -  EH=East Hall
Vendor Company Booth Number Registration Status Vendor Name
Booths Available For
Immediate Booking
EH0541 NH0120 NH0130 NH0131 NH0203 NH0204 NH0212 NH0213 NH0215 NH0216 NH0224 NH0227 NH0240 NH0264 NH0265 SA0361 T2 T3 T4
10-10 International Net, Inc. BA0409 Paid Mel Sojka
ten tec logo at PCBoard.ca for HamventionWHAT IS 10-10 ? Ten-Ten International Net, or 10-10 for short, is an organization of amateur radio operators dedicated to maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on the 10-meter amateur band (28.0-29.7 MHz). Established in 1962, 10-10 has grown continuously since that day, with some ups and downs according to the numbers of sunspots and the openness of the band. As you read this, the number of 10-10 numbers issued to members is over 76,000. 10-10 would welcome your membership in the organization if you have an amateur radio license with 10-meter privileges.
10-10 is a volunteer organization with no paid officers. Although 10-10 does contract for certain services to ensure that each member receives his or her quarterly issue of 10-10 News, the 30+ page journal of 10-10 activities, the real work of providing services for members falls on the shoulders of dedicated volunteers.
AA Computer Warehouse EH0564 EH0570 Paid Abe Sheikh
ALGORAM HA0075 HA0077 Paid Bruce Perens K6BP, +1-510-4PERENS
algoram logo at PCBoard.ca for HamventionALGORAM is producing Whitebox, the HT of the Future, a handheld SDR with an open platform for applications. We'll also be displaying FreeDV, the Free and Open Source HF digital voice system that fits in 1.2 kHz bandwidth, half that of SSB! Come by to see where the innovation is happening in Amateur Radio.
ALEXLOOP HA0027 Paid Alexandre Grimberg
ALINCO / REMTronix. Inc. HA0054 HA0055 Paid Raj Gounder
AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corp) BA0433 BA0434 BA0435
BA0444 BA0445 BA0446
Paid Alan Biddle
amsat logo at PCBoard.ca for HamventionHear the latest on the *five* Fox satellites and the geosynchronous rideshare opportunity. Receive special premiums when you join or renew your AMSAT membership at Dayton. Get one-on-one guidance on setting up your satellite station and making contacts at our "Beginner's Corner". Witness live demonstrations of contacts through satellites AO-7, FO-29, SO-50, AO-73, and the Fox-1A engineering model using handheld antennas. Get satellite station and operating tips from some of the best satellite operators in the country.
Air Chair EH0577 EH0578 Paid Bob Hanna
Alfa Radio NH0193 NH0205 Paid J T Mitchell
Algoram HA0075 HA0077 Paid Bruce Perens
Alpha Antenna HA0011 HA0012 HA0013 Paid Steve Deines
Amateur Television Network NH0236 Paid David J Stepnowski
American Morse Equipment BA0486 Paid Douglas Hauff
American Radio Relay League BA4000 Paid Petrilli Diane
American Red Cross SA0317 Paid Jim Ebner
Ameritron HA0081 HA0082 Paid Steven Pan
Andromace Enterprises NH0218 NH0229 NH0230 NH0231 Paid Marc Gaidosh
Apache Labs AA0114 AA0115 Paid Jeff Sinclair
Array Solutions EH0606 EH0607 EH0608 EH0613 EH0614 EH0615 EH0620 EH0621 EH0622 Paid Jim Martin
Arrow Antenna BA0442 Paid Tim Chapman
Aventas / Winradio EH0640 EH0644 Paid Jim Bentley
Aventrade NH0199 Paid Alex Gong
BCR Repeaters logo at PCBoard.ca for HamventionMaker of the BCR FM repeater system for 2m, 70cm, and now 220 operation.Rather than continuing to repair the old one or need new service, consider a new BCR Repeater. It's the the perfect solution for your club. A great choice for A.R.E.S. and R.A.C.E.S. applications where emergency management and storm spotters needreliability. 2-yr warranty.
Stop by our booth for trade show specials.
Batteries America NH0121 NH0122 NH0127 NH0128 Paid Mary E. Yost
Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Sta. SA0351 Paid Margaret Burgess
Begali Keys BA0466 BA0467 BA0473 BA0474 Paid The Begali Team
Begali Keys logo at PCBoard.ca for Hamvention Pietro Begali produces some of the worlds finest electro-mechanical precision components along with their exclusive line of fine keys and paddles for the ham community. Stop in and visit with them at the show or visit them online at www.i2rtf.com.
Bird Technologies Group / TX RX Systems BA0413 BA0414 Paid Daun Puck
BlueMax49ers EH0547 Paid Mark Dunkle
Bonito - Radiocom - Computer International HA0048 Paid Cord Schuette
Buckmaster Publishing SA0333 Paid Jack Speer
Buddipole HA0016 HA0017 Paid Chris Drummond
Byonics NH0223 Paid Byon Garrabrant
CW Operator`s Club BA0443 Paid Don Greenbaum
Capitol Electronics, Inc EH0585 Paid Chris Bricklebank
Civil Air Patrol - WPCS BA0419 Paid Amber Jones
Coaxial Dynamics BA0401 Paid Joe Kluha
Collins Collectors Association EH0508 EH0509 Paid William Carns
Comet Antenna / Daiwa Meters HA0056 HA0057 HA0058 Paid Mick Stwertnik
Connect Systems Inc. BA0437 Paid Jerry Wanger
Courage Kenny Handiham Program SA0330 Paid John Hoenshell
Cushcraft Amateur Radio Antennas HA0014 HA0015 Paid Steven Pan
DC Power, LLC SA0352 SA0353 Paid Wes Allen
DMR-MARC BA0449 Paid Bill Barber
DX Engineering (800-777-0703) HA0000 HA0001 HA0002 HA0003 HA0004 HA0005 HA0006 HA0007 Paid Steve Hannah
DX Engineering on PCBoard.ca for HamventionAt DX Engineering, Amateur Radio is what we know. Our customer service experts understand your every need for top-performing and reliable products.DX Engineering offers the top brands in the amateur radio industry - PLUS our very own superior DX Engineering, COMTEK, and now Butternut products.
From radios to station accessories and antennas - right down to the cable assemblies, clamps, and hardware that bring it all together, you CAN build a better station. Maximize performance with DX Engineering verticals AND dipoles, antenna add-on kits, baluns and UNUNs, receiving andtransmitting array packages, and more. Keep your station in peak condition with weatherproofing kits, grounding plate kits, and adhesives.
DZKit NH0220 NH0221 NH0232 NH0233 Paid Brian Wood
DZ Kit on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention DZKit Is Bringing Back The Tradition And Fun Of Building Complex Kits
Davey Holdings LLC BA0418 Paid Dave Wallace Ii
Davis Instruments NH0238 NH0239 Paid Kim Derespini
Dayton Skywarn & Montgomery County ARES SA0320 Paid Louis Long
Debco Electronics NH0132 NH0133 NH0134 NH0135 Paid Tom Case
Dedicated RF, LLC EH0540 Paid Daniel Simmonds
Diamond Antenna BA0477 SA0364 SA0365 Paid Merit Arnold
Dishtronix EH0628 Paid Mike Dishop
Dollar Dude NH0179 NH0180 NH0191 NH0192 Paid Dave Hinsey
ELAD USA INC EH0510 Paid Franco Milan
ELECTRO MAVIN NH0258 NH0259 Paid Michael Canyon
EMP Solutions EH0627 Paid Jay Kothari
Electronics Technicians Association International BA04429 Paid
ETA International on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention
EZ Hang Inc. EH0588 Paid Dennis Currence
EZNEC Antenna Software EH0514 Paid Roy Lewallen
Ears To Our World BA0411 Paid Thomas Witherspoon
Elecraft, Inc. NH0181 NH0182 NH0183 NH0184 Paid Madelyn Gomez
Electronic Associates NH0202 NH0214 Paid John Catterall
Electronic Products Design BA0478 Paid Michelle Glidewell
Emergency Radio Service, Inc. AA0099 Paid Jim Laverdiere
Engelhaupt Embroidery SA0359 SA0360 Paid Linda Engelhaupt
Escitec EH0536 Paid Feng Yang
Expert Linears America, LLC. EH0525 EH0526 Paid Bob Hardie W5UQ 281-725-2113
expert linears on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention SPE Expert Linears Distributor for Western Hemisphere
Sales & Service Expert Linears (AKA Expert Amplifiers) 1K-FA, 2K-FA and 1.3K-FA.
ExpertAmps USA, LLC BA0447 BA0458 Paid Rachael Larkins
Fists CW Club NH0136 Paid Karl Zuege
Flash USB Depot EH0630 EH0631 Paid John Dobbs
Flexradio Systems SA0312 SA0313 SA0314 SA0323 SA0324 SA0325 Paid Lori Hicks
Follrod Sales EH0629 EH0643 EH0645 Paid Joe Follrod
Forbidden Knowledge EH0652 Paid Craig Douglas
Force 12 / InnovAntennas America SA0340 SA0341 Paid William Hein
Foundation for Amateur Intl Radio Service BA0412 Paid David Larsen
Futronics NH0222 Paid Mike Gruss
G-QRP Club NH0241 Paid Bill Kelsey
GAP Antenna Products, Inc. HA0030 Paid Chris Lane
Gold Medal Ideas NH0116 NH0117 NH0118 NH0119 Paid Ron Kritzman
gold medal ideas on PCBoard.ca for Hamventiongold medal ideas on PCBoard.ca for HamventionCallsign and radio themed shirts, jackets, hats and name badges.
Green Heron Engineering EH0530 EH0531 Paid Jeffery Ach
HEIL SOUND LTD AA0101 AA0102 AA0103 AA0104 AA0105 Paid Bob Heil
Ham Nation AA0106 Paid Bob Heil
Ham Radio Class HA0100 Paid Mitch Stern
Ham Radio Deluxe / W4PC Software AA0100 AA0108 Paid Rick Ruhl
Ham Radio Outlet - HRO HA0020 HA0021 HA0022 HA0023 Paid Luke Rohn
hro on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention
Ham World, Inc. HA0049 Paid J. T. Malone
HamRadioSchool.com EH0518 Paid Stu Turner
HamTestOnline EH0625 EH0626 Paid John Cunningham
Hamsource EH0544 EH0545 EH0546 Paid John Kalotai
Hilberling USA EH0648 EH0649 Paid Marcus Ovando
Hip Ham Shirts BA0408 Paid Mark Gaunt
HobbyPCB NH0164 Paid Curtis Pope
Hy-Gain HA0024 HA0025 HA0026 Paid Steven Pan
Hytech Marketing EH0527 EH0528 EH0539 Paid Susan Molnar
ICOM America, Inc. HA0008 HA0009 HA0010 HA0033 HA0034 HA0035 HA0036 HA0037 Paid Diane Morrison
INLogis Inc BA0488 Paid Douglas Talley
Import Communications NH0175 NH0176 Paid Ed Griffin
Information Radio BA0457 Paid Norm Schrein
Infratech SA0303 Paid Allan Riggs
International Antenna Company NH0260 Paid David Landis
Internet Labs, Inc. HA0028 HA0029 Paid Robin Cutshaw
JJ Surplus SA0322 Paid Jon Costein
JK Antennas EH0566 EH0567 EH0572 EH0773 Paid Ken Garg
jk antenna on PCBoard.ca for HamventionJK Antennas can meet your needs with a wide range of high-quality HF antennas, including Monoband, Dualband and Multiband Yagis, operating on frequencies from 6M to 80M. What makes us different? We design and build the antennas that we would want to use, with the highest quality materials, heavy duty design calculated to withstand powerful winds and heavy icing, and which are tailored to meet the needs of our customers. Our antennas are 100% manufactured in the USA, and can also be purchased through DX Engineering.
JT Communications NH0187 Paid Jim Trapani
Jericho Prints BA0430 Paid Janet Boehm
Jetstream HA0059 HA0060 HA0061 Paid Roger Smallwood
KB3IFH QSL Cards NH0190 Paid Randy Dorman
KF7P Metalwerks EH0554 Paid Chris Perri
kf7p on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention wk7p 2  on PCBoard.ca for HamventionThink KF7P Metalwerks for all your tower and grounding hardware needs! Featuring crank up tower equipment such as service platforms, coax arms, wire antenna arms, and grounding hardware. We also build customized entry panel boxes with lightning protection for all incoming coax and other cables. Come by booth EH 0566 and see what Ground HQ looks like!
Kent Morse Keys BA0440 Paid Robert Kent
Kent Morse Keys on PCBoard.caKent Morse Keys have an international reputation for the manufacture of twin-lever, single-lever and straight Morse keys, all in traditional brass. Our precision engineering delivers high quality keys at realistic prices. Morse code enthusiasts from around the world are proud to be owners of Kent Keys. Try one for yourself. If you are serious about CW, be serious when choosing your key.
Kenwood USA Corporation HA0050 HA0051 HA0052 HA0053 HA0070 HA0071 HA0072 HA0073 Paid Phil Parton
Kessler Engineering LLC EH0519 Paid Donald Kessler
LUSO Super-Techno EH5000 Paid Kazue Shimoda
LeafFilter Gutter Protection EH0624 Paid James Martinez
Lido Mounts EH0575 Paid Jim Newcomb
Lightning Bond Adhesives EH0576 Paid Harry Ness
Little Giant Ladder System NH0262 Paid Meggan Spadafora
LnR Precision, Inc NH0206 NH0207 Paid Larry Draughn
Lunar-Link International NH0201 Paid Steven Simons
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. EH0650 EH0651 Paid Wyatt Lyzenga
MARCO - Medical Amateur Radio Council BA0448 Paid Marcia Loghner
MARS, Combined MARS SA0318 SA0319 Paid Paul English
MCM Electronics, Inc. SA0307 SA0308 SA0309 SA0310 SA0311 Paid Jack Webner
MFJ Enterprises Inc HA0062 HA0063 HA0064 HA0065 HA0066 HA0067 HA0083 HA0084 HA0085 Paid Steven Pan
Main Trading Company NH0196 NH0197 NH0198
NH0208 NH0209 NH0210 NH0261
Mastrant EH0543 Paid Martin Huml
Matrix Circuits, LLC EH0520 Paid Michael Forseen
Messi & Paoloni srl BA0483 Paid Messi Stefano
Miami Valley Mesh Alliance EH0655 EH0657 EH0658 EH0659 Paid William Curtice
Michigan QRP NH0242 Paid Ii Stan Arnett
MicroLog by WA0H SA0339 Paid Jerry Gentry
Midwest VHF/UHF Society SA0332 Paid Tom Holmes
Millner-Haufen Tool Company NH0200 Paid Garren Katz
Mini-Circuits BA0482 Paid Ilamcheran Alvapillai
Mirage/Vectronics HA0080 Paid Steven Pan
Morse Telegraph Club, Inc. SA0306 Paid James Wades
N3ZN Keys, LLC BA0422 BA0423 BA0424 Paid Tony Baleno
N4PY Software NH0228 Paid Carl Moreschi
NW Digital Radio EH0515 Paid  
nw digital on PCBoard.ca for HamventionNW Digital Radio manufactures products that put the 'Amateur back in Amateur Radio'. Come by and meet the team behind the UDRX-440 digital radio, ThumbDV™, DV3000, and UDRC.
National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting NH0244 Paid Dave Wickelhaus
Natl Federation of the Blind & The Unseen Bean SA0305 Paid Gerry Leary
New-Tronics HA0031 HA0032 Paid Michael Boyer
Northern California DX Foundation NH0253 Paid John Miller
Nuts & Volts / Servo Magazine HA0045 Paid John Lemieux
OMISS (Old Mans International Sideband Society) BA0441 Paid Dal, W4YQY
omiss  on PCBoard.ca for HamventionOMISS, or "Old Man International Sideband Society," has been operating list-type awards nets on the General Amateur bands since 1981. Want to get your WAS quickly? This is a great place to get it done. Do you like to work lots of stations for unique awards? We have several challenging awards to work for, each with an attractive certificate to hang on your wall. Do you like contesting? We hold an annual QSO Party and invite the whole Amateur community.
Ohio Area Repeater Council BA0404 Paid Jim Kvochick
Palstar Inc. EH0583 EH0584 Paid Paul Hrivnak
Peet Bros. Company, Inc. NH0151 NH0152 NH0153 Paid Linda Schultz
Pignology, LLC BA0407 Paid Garner Nicholas
Portable Rotation EH0529 Paid William Waters Iii
Pro Audio Engineering NH0195 Paid Howard Hoyt
QRP - ARCI NH0243 Paid John Nelson
QRP Works NH0194 Paid Stephen Silverman
QSK, LLC SA0331 Paid Robert Gunnels
QSO Radio Show BA0403 Paid Ted Randall
Qatar Amateur Radio Society BA0415 BA0416 Paid Al Jassim Sabaan
Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) SA0328 Paid
President, Ken Oelke, VE6AFO
Quarter Century Wireless Logo on PCBoard.caWere you first licensed before 1991? If you were first licensed more than 25 years ago and hold valid license today, you are eligible to join the Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc. The organization has made many changes over the past 2 years, including a new monthly eJournal with high resolution color pictures, hyper links, and many other features. See what we are all about at www.qcwa.org. We will present a forum on Saturday at 2:30 to 3:30PM.
Quicksilver Radio Products BA0462 BA0463 BA0464 BA0465 BA0469 BA0470 BA0471 BA0472 Paid  
quick silver radio on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention
R & L Electronics HA0038 HA0039 HA0040 HA0041 HA0042 HA0043 HA0044 Paid Roger Smallwood
R.A.I.N/160 Meter G.R.N./Newsline SA0329 Paid Hap Holly
RC TOYS SALES AND SERVICE NH0177 NH0178 Paid Rc Toys Sales
RF Parts SA0363 Paid Merit Arnold
RFinder - The Worldwide Repeater Directory NH0246 Paid Bob Greenberg
RIGOL / TEQUIPMENT.NET EH0511 EH0512 EH0513 Paid Chris Armstrong
RKR Designs / Alpha Amplifiers / Ten-Tec, EH0548 EH0549 EH0550 EH0551 Paid Jim Wharton
RM Italy & Sirio Antenna EH0641 EH0642 Paid Frank Wang
ROTOR CONCEPT, INC. EH0556 Paid Patrick Le
RT Systems NH0247 NH0248 Paid Karin Thompson
Rabbit Laser USA EH0501 EH0502 Paid Raymond L Scott
Radio Amateur Callbook (ITFM) HA0046 HA0047 Paid Thomas Gudehus
Radio Amateurs of Canada BA0436 Paid Geoffrey Bawden
Radio City EH0537 EH0538 Paid Daniel Fish
Radio Club de Provins F6KOP BA0459 BA0460 Paid Alain Thoisy
Radio Club of America NH0225 NH0226 Paid Stan Reubenstein
Radio Works, Inc. BA0431 BA0432 Paid Jim Thompson
RadioWavz EH0553 Paid Rochelle Hohensee
Rayfield Communications, Inc. BA0487 Paid John Rayfield
Refurble, Inc. EH0557 Paid Michael Breslaw
Rig Expert BA0456 Paid Yuri Onipko
ROHN Products, LLC NH0124 NH0125 Paid Mike Parrish or Mark Allen
rohn on PCBoard.ca for HamventionROHN has been the world leader in tower design and tower manufacturing for more than six decades. We continue to meet the demands of our customers with innovation in design, continuous process improvement and a drive to employ the talent and knowledge leaders in the tower manufacturing industry. Whether its Guyed Towers, Self Supporting Towers or Steel Poles, ROHN maintains one of the largest manufacturing and staging facilities in the tower design industry. Our people have a commitment and passion to supply the best and be the best, for your benefit. We're glad you have chosen to visit our site. Please contact our tower manufacturing company if we can be of service to you.
SATERN SA0350 Paid Bill Feist
SCO Inc Software/Log Window BA0405 Paid Leslie Scofield
Straight KEY Century Club (SKCC) NH0254 Paid Ron Bower, AC2C (AC2C@SKCCgroup.com)
skcc on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention Formed in January of 2006 to promote the use of Straight Key CW and to keep the spirit of Straight Key Night alive throughout the year. The Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) is the fastest growing group of mechanical-key CW operators in the world. Membership is free and open to any interested licensed radio amateur. The club has grown rapidly to include over 14,000 members from all corners of the globe.
SWG Inc. EH0656 Paid Thomas Ford
Scanner Master Corp. BA0402 Paid Richard Barnett
Scootaround Inc EH5010 Paid Sue Kelly
SeeedStudio SA0342 Paid Zoe Seeed
Select Computer Resources BA0484 Paid Erik Rivera
Sierra Radio Systems BA0406 Paid  
sierra radio systems on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention
Siglent Technologies USA, Inc EH0504 EH0505 Paid Steve Barfield
Sign Man of Baton Rouge EH0568 EH0569 Paid Rick Pourciau
Sign Man of Ohio NH0219 Paid Ron Kennedy
Silver Tip Antennas BA0468 BA0475 Paid Bill Bennett
Sinbad Glue BA0438 Paid Cynthia Maffeo
Society of Amatuer Radio Astronomers / Radio JOVE BA0420 BA0421 Paid Melinda Lord
Solar24 NH0129 Paid James Wolter
SteppIR Antennas Systems HA0068 HA0069 HA0078 HA0079 Paid Adam Blackmer
Super Antenna Systems Corp. BA0481 Paid Bonnie Crystal
super antenna on PCBoard.ca for Hamvention
Suspender Man BA0479 BA0480 Paid Bob Coulbourne
TAPR (Tucson Amateur Packet Radio) BA0451 BA0452 BA0453 BA0454 Paid John Koster
TOP-BEAM SYSTEMS INC EH0653 EH0654 Paid Jose Carlos Marques Dasilva
Tarheel Antennas NH0157 NH0158 NH0159 Paid Gaylen Pearson
Telepost Inc. - N8LP EH0516 EH0517 Paid Larry Phipps
Cubex Quad Antennas / Tennadyne Log Antennas EH0552 Paid  
cubex on PCBoard.ca for HamventionCUBEX provides the very best in electrical and mechanical design in performance with our cubical quad antennas. We are currently the only manufacturer offering a choice of our premium MK SERIES, PRE-TUNED QUADS, the "do-it-yourself" SKYMASTER KITS Series, VHF, UHF and 40 Meter Quads.    tennadyne on PCBoard.ca for HamventionTENNADYNE has been providing the world with Log Periodic Antennas for over 25 years. The Log Periodic Antenna is the most effective and efficient single feedline, multi-band antenna available today. Models range from 10-50 MHZ. New to our line is our Broadbanded Folded Terminated Dipole Wire Antennas; models range from 1.8-30 MHz with power ratings up through 3000W SSB 1000W AM/CW/RTTY.
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club NH0245 Paid Joe March
The Competition NH0263 Paid Dan Merila
The R.F. Connection NH0154 NH0155 NH0156 Paid Joel Knoblock
The Whistler Group SA0343 Paid Amanda Cupp
The Wireman, Inc. NH0160 NH0161 NH0162 NH0163 Paid Deborah Atkins
Timewave Technology, Inc. AA0109 Paid Randall Gawtry
Totally Unique Enterprise BA0410 Paid Kim Paxton
Tower Electronics NH0173 NH0174 NH0185 NH0186 Paid Scott Cole
Transel Corporation SA0315 SA0326 Paid Darrell Mckinney
UPS Store NH0165 NH0166 Paid Scott Mowbray
US Tower Corp. HA0018 HA0019 PL0001 Paid Vicky Contreras
Uncommon USA Inc. EH0565 Paid Liz Balman
Universal Radio, Inc. EH0506 EH0507 Paid Fred Osterman
Win4K3Suite NH0189 Paid Tom Blahovici VA2FSQ
WIN4K3Suite on PCBoard.ca for HamventionWin4K3Suite is a full featured Windows control program for the Elecraft K3 / KX3, the P3, the KPA500,and the KAT500. Supports all options available with the radios including Spectrum Scopes for K3 with LPPAN, the KX3 natively and the P3 with a hardware video board. All features of the radios are supported such as the built in CW, FSK-D and PSK terminal capabilities, frequency memories as well as programmable macros. Win4K3Suite includes a built in software router allowing it to connect to almost all third party software and hardware such as HRD LogBook, DM780, DXLabs Suite, N1MM, Log4OM, FLDIGI, and many more. Contest proven there is no other software that comes close!
VIS Amateur Supply NH0211 Paid Theodore Van Iderstine
Vibroplex NH0250 NH0251 NH0252 Paid Scott Robbins
Vortex Antenna Systems EH0563 Paid Stephen Lawman
W&W Manufacturing Co. EH0558 EH0559 EH0560 EH0561 Paid Saundrice Lucas
W2IHY Technologies AA0110 AA0111 AA0112 AA0113 Paid Julius Jones
W5YI Group-Gordon West Radio School SA0344 SA0355 Paid Larry Pollock
WA5KUB SA0301 SA0302 Paid Thomas Medlin
WA8JBT EH0623 Paid Bob Gardner
WB0W Inc NH0169 NH0170 NH0171 NH0172 Paid Gaylen Pearson
Webster Communications Inc. BA0425 BA0426 BA0427 Paid Roger Webster
West Mountain Radio EH0579 EH0580 EH0581 EH0582 Paid Joey Didion
Western Case Company NH0249 Paid Phil Medley
Wild Sage Native American Jewelry EH0562 Paid Paul & Natalie Mitchell
Young Ladies' Radio League NH0234 Paid Anne WB1ARU
young ladies radio league on PCBoard.ca for HamventionDrop by Booth 234 to meet us!
Young Ladies' Radio League has been uniting YLs around the world for over 75 years on all bands and modes with nets, contests, awards, conventions and meets.

For more information go to www.ylrl.org

Plan to attend the YL Forum on Friday, Room 5 at 2:30 PM and look for other informal gatherings in the cafeteria.
Yaesu - Vertex Standard EH0521 EH0522 EH0523 EH0524 EH0532 EH0533 EH0534 EH0535 EH0586 EH0587 Paid Dennis Motschenbacher
Youth DX Adventure SA0304 Paid Donald J. Dubon
iPortable BA0455 Paid Mark Mantia
origami owl NH0188 Paid Anna Trapani
CQ Communications, Inc. HA0074 Reserved and Unpaid Kherweider Dottie
Cablexperts Inc. EH0542 Reserved and Unpaid Nicholas Cosmano
EXEDE EH0632 EH0633 Reserved and Unpaid Harry Thibedeau
EZ-Products EH0571 Reserved and Unpaid Don Wilke
FIRST NH0257 Reserved and Unpaid Ted Hood
George AA0096 AA0097 AA0098 EH0601 NH0123 NH0126 NH0255 NH0256 Reserved and Unpaid Brian Markland
Grace Technology SA0362 Reserved and Unpaid Terry Mijal
Metrotel Communications NH0217 Reserved and Unpaid Brian Esterman
Micro-Node International NH0237 Reserved and Unpaid Mark Guibord
Nu-View 2 SA0354 Reserved and Unpaid Chris Bledsoe
Rescue Tape NH0266 Reserved and Unpaid Robert Laakkonen
US Postal Service / Dayton Stamp Club EH0503 Reserved and Unpaid Howard Smith
Total Booths: 506   Unique Vendors: 247
Paid: 467   Unpaid: 20   Available: 19