Hamvention 2024 – Indoor Commercial Vendors

Dayton Hamvention 2024 Logo - Expanding our Community

The Dayton Hamvention comprises both indoor commercial and outdoor flea market vendor locations. The indoor locations are where the larger commercial vendors set up their displays. The outdoor vendor booths contain both commercial and personal flea market sellers. The Dayton Hamvention 2024 is happening May 17 – 19 bringing in over 30,000 guests from across North America and from around the world. If you are visiting Hamvention and need Hotel or Motel information, the Hamvention website has a great selection of lodging options.

Hamvention Indoor and Outdoor Maps

Beginning in 2017, Hamvention has a new home in Xenia, Ohio. The new location houses separate buildings for the commercial vendors. 2018 sees the team taking over a previous building unavailable in 2017, resulting in more indoor vendor spaces.

Contacting The Hamvention Team

We receive many requests with Flea Market or Exhibitor questions. We are not affiliated with the management team and this limits our knowledge of show activities. For Hamvention questions, we encourage you to contact the dedicated Hamvention teams.

The teams can be reached at exhibits@hamvention.org for indoor exhibit questions, fleamarket@hamvention.org for questions on the flea market, and tickets@hamvention.org for general ticketing inquiries.

Dayton Hamvention Vendors – Indoor Commercial Vendor List

We update the show information daily, right until showtime. Don’t forget to visit our Outdoor Flea Market Booth Assignment page as well.

Downloadable PDF Vendor Lists

PDF: Downloadable Commercial and Flea Market vendor lists are also available in PDF format. Store these on your mobile device for easy access during Hamvention to get all the detailed information available on all vendors.

Minimal Responsive HTML Listings: Also available are fast-loading responsive HTML pages with only the booth information. See our Commercial and Flea Market listings.

All pages are updated at least once per day until show day.

Hamvention® Commercial Booth Assignments
(updated 05-15-2024 @ 19:10 EDT)
Booths Available For Immediate Booking
10-10 International Net, Inc. 3809 Confirmed Keith Schlottman
405 Laserworks LLC 1907 Confirmed Bryan Mackey
AA3DP Radios 5007 Confirmed Dilovan Perwer
ABR Industries 3211 Confirmed Chuck Abramson
ADSBexchange.com 1402 Confirmed Daniel Streufert
AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corp.) 1007-1010, 1107-1110 Confirmed Philmore Smith
AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) 1001 Confirmed Chuck NC8Q, Tim KN6PLV, Randy WU2S
Aredn Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.caThe AREDN® Project's focus is Emergency Communications. It provides hams a means to implement microwave Internet protocol technology in practical ways to support local and regional emergency communications needs.
ARISS-USA 4301-4302 Confirmed Frank Bauer
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio 2001-2004, 2101-2104, 2201-2204, 2301-2304, 2401-2404 Confirmed Bob Inderbitzen
Airspy.US 1201-1202 Confirmed Joe Mcelhaney
Alfa Radio Ltd. 2106, 2206 Confirmed J. T. (Mitch) Mitchell
Alfa Radio Ltd. Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.caAlfa Radio Ltd. Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.caAlfa Rotators - Let us show you how we can TURN your world around! Reliable and built to last. We know firsthand how important a reliable rotator is to your amateur radio needs. We, as active amateurs, use our Alfa Rotators. We would not confidently sell them to you if we did not believe in them.
Main features are: Low voltage operation (12 to 24 D.C. Volts), 720 degree rotation, Double worm gear drive, Computer interface included with controller, Rotator is simple; "smarts" in the control unit.

Models: Azimuth Only, Azimuth and Elevation - EME, SAT, Ring Rotator
sales@alfaradio.ca - www.alfaradio.ca - 780 466 5779
Alinco Inc. 3007-3008 Confirmed Raj Gounder
Alpha Antenna 3107, 3207 Confirmed Steven Deines
Alpha RF Systems \ Dishtronix \ Ten-Tec 1807-1808 Confirmed Mike Dishop
Amateur Radio Digital Communications 1302 Confirmed John Hays
Amateur Television Network 1003-1004 Confirmed David Stepnowski
Amratek Products 3810 Confirmed Jim Weit
Arrow Antenna 1106 Confirmed Tim Chapman
BRIDGECOM SYSTEMS, INC. 1103-1104 Confirmed Ron Kochanowicz
Batteries America 3808 Confirmed Russell Craig
Begali Keys 2307-2308, 2407-2408 Confirmed The Begali Team
Begali Keys logo

Pietro Begali produces some of the worlds finest electro-mechanical precision components along with their exclusive line of fine keys and paddles for the ham community. Stop in and visit with them at the show or visit them online at www.i2rtf.com.
Buckmaster International 5106 Confirmed Daniel Bateman
Buddipole 3003-3006 Confirmed Chris Drummond
COMPACtenna 5208 Confirmed 'Dr. Jack', N8NDL
COMPACtenna Logo Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.caCOMPACtenna: Small Powerful Antennas   Patented Technology
 Ham Radio - 2 Meters, 220, 440 MHz
 LMR - Land Mobile Radio - Public Service - Local, State, Feveral Government, Commercial
 GMRS   Scanner
Base Station
 Use the COMPACtenna Mobile Antennas on the COMPACtenna Optimized
CompacCounterpoise Base Station Radial System
HF: 20/40 Meters only 10" size Revolutionary!
See our Website for more information
CW Operator`s Club 5102 Confirmed Don Greenbaum
Cable Experts 1701-1702 Confirmed Michael Genzel
Carlson Communications 1205 Confirmed James Carlson
Carlson Communications Logo for Hamvention

Roof Towers are back in production. Thanks for good graciousness of Roger Cox, Carlson is now producing a wide range of roof towers for your antenna needs.

Roof towers indeed offer a practical solution for amateur radio enthusiasts facing restrictions from homeowners' association (HOA) codes or limited lot space. Their versatility in supporting various types of antennas, including fixed, single-axis, or twin-axis rotators, makes them a valuable option for optimizing radio frequency coverage. From 20 meters to centimeter frequencies, the range of antennas compatible with roof towers is diverse, catering to different needs and preferences within the amateur radio community.

Popular antenna options like Hex Beams and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite antennas are well-suited for installation on roof towers, enhancing communication capabilities for operators despite space constraints or regulatory limitations.
Chatt Radio 1903-1906 Confirmed Jim Gifford
Choyong Radio 1105 Confirmed Julia Zhu
Choyong Radio Logo at www.PCBoard.caChoyong Radio 1 Logo for HamventionChoyong LC90 The world's first radio that combines MW/SW/FM/SSB/BT and 40K+internet radio stations.

Visit us at: www.choyongradio.com
Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship 5105 Confirmed Brian Linn
Collins Collectors Association 1704-1706, 1804-1806 Confirmed Scott Kerr
Comet Antenna / Daiwa Meters 3304-3306 Confirmed Mick Stwertnik
Courage Kenny Handiham Program 5001 Confirmed Lucinda Moody
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 4305 Confirmed Brian Falvey
DARA - International Relations 2601 Confirmed Diane Allnutt
DARA Membership 4005-4007 Confirmed Jeff Devoe
DARA Special Event Station 2706-2707 Confirmed Dayton Amateur Radio Asso Dara
DARC - German Amateur Radio Club 2503 Confirmed Thomas Wrede
DX Engineering 1207-1210, 1307-1311, 1407-1411, 1507-1511 Confirmed
DX EngineeringAt DX Engineering, Amateur Radio is what we know. Our customer service experts understand your need for top-performing and reliable gear. Visit DX Engineering.com to see the latest products from DX Engineering, including many items from the other popular Amateur Radio brands. Our Sales/Technical staff has over 900 years of ham radio experience, talk to them at 1-800-777-0703.

From radios to station accessories, antennas to coaxial cable, and right down to the clamps and hardware that tie it all together, build a better station with DX Engineering - learn how at DXEngineering.com.
DX Engineering & Icom Eyeball QSO Lounge 1303-1306, 1403-1406 Confirmed
Dark Canyon Inc / Rollercam 5207 Confirmed Eric Simonson
Dayton Convention & Visitors Bureau (Montegomery) 4306 Confirmed Sonya Harchaoui
Disaster Survival 500 LLC 5003 Confirmed Kyle Heitmeyer
ECARS East Coast Amateur Radio Service 5210 Confirmed Jeff Doran
Elecraft, Inc. 1707-1711 Confirmed Madelyn Gomez
FAIRS Amateur International Radio Service 4207 Confirmed Gaynell Larsen
FIRST Robotics 4004 Confirmed Kerry Hicks
Fast Track Ham Radio Books & Presentations 1908 Confirmed Michael Burnette
Flagpoles by Uncommon USA Inc. 3803 Confirmed Mike Harrison
FlexRadio Systems 2007-2009, 2107-2108, 2207-2208 Confirmed Lori Hicks
Free DV 1909 Confirmed Mooneer Salem
Futronics 1801 Confirmed Mike Gruss
GigaParts Live Demo 3607-3611, 3708-3711 Confirmed Steve Molo
Gold Medal Ideas 2701-2704 Confirmed Ron Kritzman
Gold Medal Ideas at www.PCBoard.ca
Greene County Conv. & Visitors Bureau 5311 Confirmed Jessica Schwartzkopf
HF Signals Corporation 1901 Confirmed Ehsanuddin Mohammed
Halibut Electronics 3011 Confirmed Mark Smith
Ham Community 1809 Confirmed Jim (Cemil) Alyanak
Ham Radio Deluxe 2801-2803 Confirmed Lindy Southwell
Ham Radio Outlet 3307-3311 Confirmed Luke Rohn
Ham Radio Outlet logo

Ham Radio Prep 1604-1606 Confirmed Max Freedman
Ham Radio School 5205 Confirmed Stu Turner
HamSCI 5008 Confirmed Nathaniel Frissell
HamStudy.org 2306, 2406 Confirmed Richard Bateman
Hamsource 3903-3906 Confirmed John Kalotai
Hamvention Prize Booth 4500 Confirmed Elizabeth Klinc
Heil Sound HR 4313 Confirmed Jerry Lynch
HobbyPCB 1912 Confirmed Curtis Pope
Huntsville Hamfest 4110 Confirmed Mark Brown
Hytech Marketing 1501, 1601 Confirmed Susan Molnar
ICOM America 2508-2509, 2608-2610, 2708-2709 Confirmed Jesse Skipton
Information Station Specialists 1002 Confirmed Bill Baker
616.772.2300 x102
ISS Hamvention Listing

Amateur Radio Operators in all 50 states rely on Information Station Specialists (www.theRADIOsource.com) for the equipment and services to broadcast emergency information to vehicle radios in their communities over AM channels 530-1710 kHz. Offerings now include a 630 meter Ham radio antenna as well.

The Hamvention Information Station: Tune to AM 1620 as you approach Hamvention to hear a live demonstration of Information Radio technology, including daily weather, parking, travel, and traffic information, interviews, and the daily schedule, updated minute-to-minute. . The "Hamvention Radio 1620" radio signal will be broadcast this year with the new AN2X high efficiency/ vertical antenna and groundplane that will be displayed in the yard area just west of Building 1 with equipment operating from booth 1002.

New 630 Meter Antenna: In 2024, Information Station Specialists will be displaying the new "Lowdown" 630 meter antenna in booth 1002 in Building 1, You can register for a show discount on a new Lowpass RF filter that allows Hams with modified transceivers to get on the band.

Read More: Interested in learning more about "Information Radio" for your community or agency? Check out The Source newsletter. You can read the most recent issue and sign up to receive it regularly. Information Station Specialists offers portable and fixed AM radio systems purchased by city/county emergency managers and other public safety officials. Services include FCC licensing, installation, and training. For more information, email Bill Baker.
Inside Exhibits Reserved 3811, 4109, 4209, 0 Confirmed
JT Communications 3703 Confirmed Jim Trapani
JT Communications Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.ca
JVC Kenwood USA Corp 1503-1505, 1603 Confirmed Anita Smallwood
JW Designs 5104 Confirmed Jan White
Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc 2602 Confirmed Koji Morita
K2BSA - ARA & Radio Scouting 2205 Confirmed Bill Stearns
KB3IFH QSL Cards 4212 Confirmed Randy KB3IFH

Quality QSL & Eyeball Cards
Visit my website at https://www.kb3ifhqslcards.com/ or call me at 410-440-0282. See you at Dayton. We're in building 4 this year at 4212. Stop by and say hello!
LUSO 3502, 3602 Confirmed Kazue Shimoda
Libre Space Foundation 1005-1006 Confirmed Pierros Papadeas
Lido Mounts 2506-2507 Confirmed Jim Newcomb
Lido Mounts Logo at www.PCBoard.caLido Mounts supplies no holes mounting solutions, and if you want to drill we have those to, for just about any mobile electronic device. We offer custom mounting plates that work in harmony with the manufacturers mounting system for Amateur and Commercial transceivers. Of course we have a full line of holders and mounts for Smart Phones, Tablets, GoPro, Cameras.
Linux in the Ham Shack 5004 Confirmed Russ Woodman
Long Island CW Club 4107 Confirmed  
Long Island CW Club Logo at www.PCBoard.caThe Long Island CW Club was established in January 2018, and has quickly grown to over 5000 members branching out into 50 states and 58 countries.

We hold beginner, intermediate and advanced CW classes and forums138 times per week via internet video conference (Zoom). Besides CW classes we hold regular forums on radio and related technology subjects.

We have taught over 500 kids with regular weekly classes. Many of these kids now have an amateur radio license.

We strive to accommodate those with handicaps. We have available a device that delivers CW vibrations to the palm of the hand, which will assist those with hearing issues.
CIRO MAZZONI LOOP ANTENNA by I3VHF 3009 Confirmed Ciro Mazzoni I3VHF
LOOP ANTENNA by I3VHF Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.caThe CIRO MAZZONI LOOP ANTENNA was designed and handmade with pride in Italy by Ciro I3VHF, who dedicated his professional life to experimentation and testing in order to produce an antenna for hams who have limited space for their aerials, yetstill want a quality antenna.

The CIRO MAZZONI LOOP ANTENNA has small dimension but high efficiency. Due to its narrow bandwitdh, noise is practically zero and can operate from almost any place. No noise, no limits!
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 3302 Confirmed Robert Brown
MARCO-Medical Amateur Radio Council 4008 Confirmed Jay Garlitz
MARS, Combined MARS 1810 Confirmed Richard George
MMDVM 2805 Confirmed Jim Mclaughlin
MTC 2005-2006 Confirmed Richard Lenoir
MTC Logo for Hamvention
Expert Amps USA is thrilled to announce our presence at the upcoming Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio.

Cutting-Edge Amplifiers: Explore our latest lineup of high-power amplifiers designed for serious operators. Whether you're chasing DX, contesting, or just enjoying ragchews, our amplifiers deliver unparalleled performance.

Expert Advice: Our team of seasoned experts will be on hand to answer your questions, provide technical insights, and guide you toward the perfect amplifier for your station.
Live Demos: Witness our amplifiers in action.

Meet Gianfranco Scasciafratti (I0ZY): Brace yourselves! We're honored to host the legendary Gianfranco Scasciafratti President of SPE from Rome, Italy. Gianfranco is not only a ham radio icon but also an SPE Expert user. Meet him, learn from his experiences, and grab a selfie with this living legend.

The New Taurus: Expert's new model will be on display.

Don't Miss Out! Whether you're a seasoned operator or a curious newcomer, our booth is the place to be. Get hands-on with our amplifiers, connect with fellow users, and immerse yourself in the world of cutting-edge HF Amplifiers.
Mastrant 3001-3002 Confirmed Martin Huml
Momobeam 5006 Confirmed Mark Pride
N3ZN Keys 1203-1204 Confirmed Tony Baleno N3ZN
N3ZN Logo Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.ca

NOAA - National Weather Service 4308 Confirmed Brandon Peloquin
NVIS/Codan Communications Consulting 5002 Confirmed John Rosica
National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting 1910 Confirmed Joseph Molter
OM International Sideband Society 2502 Confirmed Carrie Krueger
Orlando HamCation 4210-4211 Confirmed John Knott
Phase Dock Inc. 4108, 4208 Confirmed Barbara Lehenbauer
Phase Dock Logo at www.PCBoard.caNew for 2024! Robotics and Arduino kits! Learn quickly with our award-winning WorkBench prototyping and project-building system.

Accelerate electronics with Phase Dock WorkBench. Easily mount, manage, protect, and transport Raspberry Pi, Arduino or other electronic prototypes and projects. WorkBench helps you quickly organize, and connect them all.
Peet Bros. Company, Inc. 5202-5204 Confirmed Dave Miller
PreppComm 3108-3109 Confirmed Eric Anderson
QRP - ARCI 5107-5108 Confirmed William Ravenel
QRP Labs 2603 Confirmed Hans Summers
QRPworks 2804 Confirmed Stephen Silverman
QSO Radio Show 4311-4312 Confirmed Ted Randall
Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc. 5310 Confirmed Tom Loughney
Quicksilver Radio 3503-3506, 3603-3606 Confirmed John Bee
Quicksilver Radio carries The Best in Ham Radio ! Our products include Go-Kits and supplies, Anderson Powerpoles, Coax Cable, Antenna Wire, RF Connectors and Adapters, Crimp Tools, Soldering Irons, Meters, Test Equipment, and more.
Your Favorite Amateur Radio Supplier
Quicksilver Radio Hamvention Listing at www.PCBoard.ca
Raleigh Amateur Radio Society Hamfest: RARSfest 5209 Confirmed Nancy KB2TNR
rarsfest Logo for HamventionComing April 5, 2025! For more than 50 years, RARSfest has been the East Coast's largest all-indoor hamfest! We are the perennial choice for the ARRL Roanoke Division Convention. All Indoors and climate controlled, RARSfest is 100,000 Sq. Ft. (about the same size as Huntsville) which makes us the biggest hamfest you've never attended! We have Commercial Dealer Booths (HRO, Chatt, WireMan, QuickSilver Radio, Tarheel Designs, etc.), as well as a huge indoor Flea Market with 230+ tables where you can drive up to your booth or table for Set-Up and Takedown.

You can get licensed or level-up at our License Exams; we have fabulous door prizes, educational forums, satellite demos,communications vehicles static displays, SKYWARN® Spotter Training, QSL Card Checking.

FREE parking; RV Parking available on-site.

Make it a weekend for the family! Pro hockey and baseball, live theater and concerts, amazing parks and museums, Raleigh has it all!
RF-KIT 3901-3902 Confirmed Reinhard
rf-kit.de Logo at www.PCBoard.caRF2K-S Power Amplifier Made in Germany, Distributed by a Island Amplifier USA (www.islandamplifier.com)
Most advanced SSPA on market.
FCC certified ready to go legal limit HF amplifier with build in tuner and all interfaces you can think of.
RFinder, LLC 4111 Confirmed Bob Greenberg
RLControllers.com 1902 Confirmed Allan Overcast
RT Systems 3804-3805 Confirmed Karin Thompson
Rabbit Laser USA 4011-4013 Confirmed Raymond L Scott
Radio Amateurs of Canada 2504 Confirmed Phil Mcbride
Radio Club of America 1811 Confirmed Amy Beckham
Radio Society of Great Britain 2305, 2405 Confirmed Mark Allgar
RadioWavz 2606-2607 Confirmed Jillian Hohensee
Radiosport Headsets 2604-2605 Confirmed Dave Bottom
ReLite 1502, 1602 Confirmed Eric Parsley
RigExpert USA 1301 Confirmed Yuri Onipko
SCARS Summit County Amateur Radio Soceity 5206 Confirmed Steve Greathouse
SKCC Straight Key Century Club 4112 Confirmed Ronald Bower
Salvation Army SATERN 5109-5110 Confirmed Major Michele Heaver
Samlex America 1206 Confirmed Christine Ford
Scanner Master Corp. 3303 Confirmed Richard Barnett
Shack-in-a-Box 1401 Confirmed James Lea
SignMan of Baton Rouge 3701-3702 Confirmed Rick Pourciau
Southwest Ohio GMRS Association 1802 Confirmed Jamie Isaacs
SteppIR Communication System 1703, 1803 Confirmed John Mertel
System A.V. Co 3010 Confirmed Hazel Fu
TAPR (Tucson Amateur Packet Radio) 5009-5011 Confirmed Tom Holmes
TAS Resale llc 3301 Confirmed Terry Mijal
TXRX SYSTEMS, INC. 5301-5302 Confirmed Andrew Johnson
Tarheel Antennas Inc 3704-3706 Confirmed Gaylen Pearson
The Competition 5308-5309 Confirmed Dan Merila
The Wireman 3908-3911 Confirmed Deborah Atkins
Tower Electronics 3103-3106, 3203-3206 Confirmed Scott Cole, KB9AMM
Tower Electronics Logo for Hamvention

Tower Electronics Logo for HamventionTower Electronics Logo for Hamvention
Established in 1978 - Celebrating our 46th year of operations.
Visit us at Tower Electronics or by phone at 920-435-2973

See us at our new enlarged space inside the Marconi Building #3

We are the premier dealer of RF connectors and adapters in the Country
Transel Corporation 3801-3802 Confirmed Darrell Mckinney
US Tower Corp. 3110-3111 Confirmed Gary Smith
Uni-Trend US 5303-5304 Confirmed Sean Silvey
Unseen Bean 3012 Confirmed Gerry Leary
VE2DX Electronics 1506 Confirmed Richard Desaulniers
VHQ HEX 3501, 3601 Confirmed David M Lavoie
Venture Crew 73 4010 Confirmed George Ewingg
Vibroplex 1607-1610 Confirmed Scott Robbins
W4SIG 5103 Confirmed Kerry Long
W5YI Licensing Services Inc 2105 Confirmed Allan Batteiger
WRTC - DX Engineering 1911 Confirmed
WRTC - DX EngineeringThis is the official booth for the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) which will be held in the UK in 2026. Visit the booth, sponsored by DX Engineering, to meet members of the organizing team and learn more about this fantastic event.
Watts Electronics 3102, 3202 Confirmed Matthew Bacchetta
Webster Communications Inc. 3101, 3201 Confirmed Roger Webster
Western Case Company 3806 Confirmed Kathryn Kauffman
Wild Sage Native American Jewelry 4310 Confirmed Wild Sage Jewelry Paul Mitchell
Wolf River Coils LLC 1101-1102 Confirmed Terry Schilling
Young Ladies Radio League 2505 Confirmed Anne WB1ARU
Young Ladies Radio League at www.PCBoard.caStop at Booth 2505 to meet the 2024 Hamvention Club of the Year! Young Ladies Radio League has been uniting YLs around the world for 85 years on all bands and modes with nets, contests, awards, conventions and meets. Plan to attend the YL Forum on Friday at 2:30 PM in Room 4 and look for other informal gatherings that may pop up around the fairgrounds.
For more information go to www.ylrl.net
Yaesu USA 3407-3411, 3507-3511 Confirmed Nori Romero
Youth DX Adventure YDXA 4106, 4206 Confirmed Jim Storms
Youth Tech - DARA 4001 Confirmed Jane Deeter
Youth on the Air - YOTA 4303-4304 Confirmed Neil Rapp
Photon Radio 4307 Confirmed Marvin Motsenbocker
Photon Radio Logo for HamventionWelcome to the wave particle duality of radio! We are showing off our 1Mbit per second non-wave making digital transmitter for the 160M to 30M HF bands.Work with us online or come to our radio resort in Japan to build out a new generation of high speed digital communication devices. We can supply circuit boards, kits, training and sabbatical opportunities at our beachside location.
Diamond Antenna 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 Reserved Wayne Bauman
West Mountain Radio 3208 3209 3210 Reserved Joey Didion
Unique Commercial Exhibits: 161  (occupying 362 booths) with 0 booth(s) available for booking
Exhibitors Paid (Confirmed): 159 and 2 unpaid (Reserved)
Paid Booths (Confirmed): 353   Unpaid Booths (Reserved): 9